Add-on libraries

Logic Machine, Re:actor

Generic updates of the logic machine can be found on our partner site. Be sure to backup before updating because the backup also includes your licence key for the KNXlogic package.
After doing the generic update, you can update the our add-on packages listed below.

KNXlogic package

The latest version of the KNXlogic package is V 1.02

This package includes the following libraries:


This package is only valid for Logic Machines of the 4th, 3rd and recent 2nd generation (technically: the onces with ‘luajit’). If you have an old 2nd generation Version, then first upgrade your LM2 firmware (see above). If you’re in doubt, then get in touch with us.


    • Save the above file to your PC
    • Backup your LM configuration (Logic Machine -> Utilities -> Backup)*
    • Restore the upgrade package file (Logic Machine -> Utilities -> Restore -> point to package) & wait for reboot.
    • Verify the alerts to confirm proper upgrade.
    • Restore your LM configuration (Logic Machine -> Utilities -> Restore -> point to your backup) & wait for reboot.

*: even if you haven’t programmed/configured anything yet in your LM, then still do a backup to keep your licence file.

In case you forgot the backup or loose your license file then contact us with:

    • invoice number
    • mac – address of the affected LM (System configuration -> Network -> Interfaces)

If you also need the code snippets for the package: import this file (Logic Machine -> Scripting -> Tools -> Import helpers)

SPCX10 Add-on package

The latest version is included in the most up to date KNXlogic package: library ‘spcx10’. Make sure you have backed up your configuration for your license key, see procedure above.

ComfoLib Add-on package

V2.2 b1 : download here

Make sure you have backed up your configuration for your license key, see above.

ComfoLib visualisation

In case you need to reinstall the Ventilation vizualisation pages, then you can find the latest version here.
Note: in order for the import to work correctly, import with the default group addresses, and use the option ‘keep’ links during import.

SPCLib Add-on package

No self-install upgrade packages at present available for download. Contact us in case you require to restore or upgrade the library.

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